Sunday, May 09, 2010

Incident at PetSmart

A maniac took over the local PetSmart today. He took canine and human customers hostage and was wiring the whole place with explosives. The depravity of man never ceases to amaze me. Robin and I sneaked in through an air vent; thankfully, the gunman didn’t hear my breathing as I crawled overhead. Once on the ground, I peaked around a corner and saw the gunman placing a backpack of C4 explosives in the rawhide aisle. Clearly, he was trying to draw me into a fight. And I was happy to oblige. A growl bellowed from the pit of my stomach as I lunged at the punk, knocking his uzi to the ground. He took off running. Just after he rounded the corner, I heard a loud “smack!.” The punk was out cold after slipping on a puddle of urine and banging his head on the floor. Well done, Robin.


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